Adhd in children

ADHD - attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in children

Educating a child with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is not easy. You may be angry and upset behavior and poor learning of your child, you might get the impression that you - a bad parent. These feelings are understandable but unjustified. ADHD - is a disease, and it is not the result of bad parenting. ADHD can be treated effectively, and understanding of your child, you can help him buy Adderall online!

With this ADHD in children?

Children with ADHD have difficulty in concentration and therefore can not always cope with academic tasks. They make careless mistakes, do not pay attention and do not listen to explanations. Sometimes they may be excessive mobility, spin, stand up, make a lot of unnecessary actions, rather than to sit quietly and concentrate on their studies or other activities. Such behavior is unacceptable in the classroom and creates problems both at school and at home. These children often have poor academic performance, and are often considered mischievous, naughty, "terrorizing" family and peers at school. At the same time, they may suffer from low self-esteem, they find it difficult to make friends and make friends with other children.

In fact, the reason for the above behavior is the lack of certain active substances in some parts of the brain.

The behavior of children with ADHD is different from the behavior of other children?

1. Symptoms of inattention. These children are easily distracted, forgetful, hard to focus their attention. They have problems with the implementation of tasks and compliance organizatsi5eky instructions. One gets vp5chatlenie that they do not listen when they say something. They often make mistakes due to carelessness, losing their school supplies and other things.

2. The symptoms of hyperactivity. Children seem to be impatient, excessively sociable, fussy, can not long sit still. In class they seek to break away from the place at the wrong time. Figuratively speaking, they are always in motion, as if the wound.

3. Symptoms of impulsivity. Very often in the classroom, children with ADHD shout the answer before the teacher has finished his question, constantly interrupt when others say they find it difficult to wait their turn. They are unable to defer gratification. If they want something, they have to get it at the same time, without succumbing to no variety of persuasion.

Your doctor has all the necessary information about ADHD and can make the correct diagnosis, based on its available diagnostic criteria.

How to identify ADHD?

All children are sometimes inattentive or hyperactive, so what differentiates children with ADHD?

ADHD is detected, if the child's behavior differs from that of other children of the same age and level of development for quite a long time, at least 6 months. These behaviors occur up to 7 years, in the future, they manifest themselves in different social situations and the negative impact on family relations. If ADHD symptoms are significant, this leads to social exclusion of the child in school and at home. The child must be thoroughly examined by a doctor to rule out other diseases that can also condition the behavior of these violations.

Depending on the underlying disorders, doctors can diagnose ADHD with predominance of inattention, hyperactivity and impulsivity, or a combination type.

What diseases can accompany ADHD?

Some children come to light other diseases that accompany this disorder. These include:

Disorders of learning skills that lead to the fact that the child's academic performance is much lower than that of their peers. Challenging oppositional disorder that manifests deliberate disobedience, hostile and even violent behavior. Emotional disorders when the child feels lack of energy, becomes nervous, whiny. In a troubled child may lose the desire to play with other children. Such a child may be too non-self. Tiki also can accompany ADHD. Manifestation ticks varied:.. Twitching of facial muscles, prolonged wheezing or twitching his head, etc. Sometimes the sudden shouting that violates social adaptation of the child can occur in strong ticks.