Multiple sclerosis

Multiple sclerosis

Multiple sclerosis - a neurological pathology characterized by progressive course with multiple lesions in the central nervous system and with fewer lesions in the peripheral nervous system. In neuroscience can find buy prednisone online the terms "multiple sclerosis", "patchy sclerosis," "plaque sclerosis," "diffuse sclerosing encephalomyelitis", they are the symbol of the same disease. Pathology flow wavelike character - chronic.

Previously, most of the people with MS living in countries far from the equator, at the present time a clear geographical distribution does not exist. In the past few decades it has been an increase of pathology in most regions of the globe, but still remains in the lead of countries with a temperate climate. There figures reach from 50 to 100 per 100 000 population.

Most suffer the woman, although about one-third of cases of multiple sclerosis accounted for the male population of the planet. Pathology manifests often at a young age, affecting active people from 20 to 45 years old - it's almost 60% of all cases. Most often, multiple sclerosis is diagnosed in people who are engaged in intellectual work.

In addition, scientists at a given time are revised age limits debut of the disease in the direction of their expansion. Thus, medical cases of MS are described in the age of two, as well as the age of 10-15 years. The number of patients in childhood varies on different data from 2 to 8% of the total number of cases. The group of risks is now composed of persons older than 50 years.

Multiple sclerosis

Reasons scattered sklerozaV result of several factors, there is an increase transmittance blood-brain barrier (its main function - protecting the brain antigens from the damaging effects of their own immune system cells). As a result, in the brain receives a greater number of T lymphocytes and starts the process of inflammation. The result of such inflammation is the destruction of the myelin sheath of the nerve, as the immune system perceives myelin antigens as foreign. transmission of nerve impulses in the same volume becomes impossible and the person begins to suffer from the symptoms of the disease.

The causes of multiple sclerosis are multiple external and internal factors, so it is considered as a multifactorial pathology.

Impact of viruses on the occurrence of the disease. This retroviruses, herpes viruses, measles and rubella virus, infectious mononucleosis, especially in combination with endogenous retroviruses. Adversely affects the transferred bacterial infections -. Streptococcal, staphylococcal, etc. However, the scientists came to the conclusion that there is no virus, which would directly lead to the development of the disease. However, they are triggering factors that support development and inducing inflammatory and autoimmune processes, thereby stimulating neurodegenerative changes.

Effect of chronic poisoning on the human body. Especially dangerous is the poisoning chemicals, organic solvents, metals, gasoline and so on. The negative factor is considered to be living in ecologically unfavorable area, especially in childhood.

Features of the diet. In this sense the danger are animal fats and proteins, and their excessive use under the age of 15 years. When a person suffers from obesity to 20 years of age, the risk of developing the disease had increased by 2 times. It is also shown that excessive consumption of salt causes abnormal activity of the immune system.

Causes, symptoms and medication list from multiple sclerosis

The symptoms of multiple sclerosis in 40% of cases are violations of motor functions - such as eg muscle weakness, impaired coordination of movements. Also, in 40% of cases lead to abnormalities in limb sensitivity - such as numbness, feeling cramps in the hands and feet.

In 20% of cases of multiple sclerosis are found blurred vision, disturbances of movement when walking, voluntary urination, fatigue, disruption of sexual function. With long-term course of the disease there is a decrease of intelligence.

Symptoms of multiple sclerosis depend on where in localized areas of demyelination. Therefore, symptoms in different patients is diverse and often unpredictable. Never can not be simultaneously detected in one patient the whole complex of symptoms simultaneously.

The first signs of the disease are the result of demyelination, which causes impaired patency of electrical impulses along nerve fibers. They most often occur rapidly, imperceptible, hidden course of the disease, doctors are rare.

Thus, the most common first signs of multiple sclerosis are the following:

There is a feeling of tingling and numbness in the extremities. Periodically there are a feeling of weakness in the limbs, which often occurs on one side.

Blurred vision, decreased sharpness, diplopia. In addition, you may experience the veil before the eyes, turning blindness in one or both eyes. Oculomotor disorders such as strabismus, diplopia, vertical nystagmus, internuclear ophthalmoplegia - often the first signs of the onset of illness.

Pelvic disorders. It voiding process is observed in almost half of all patients. This symptom in 15% of people with multiple sclerosis is the only symptom. Perhaps the incomplete emptying of the bladder, nocturia (when increasing the amount of urine is released at night than during the day), difficulty urinating, urinary incontinence, the occurrence of sudden urgency to his oprozhneniyu, intermittent urination.

Already in the early stages of the disease there is an increase fatigue, or so-called "chronic fatigue syndrome".

The first signs of impending disease are: neuritis of the facial nerve, dizziness, staggering when walking, ataxia (static and dynamic), horizontal nystagmus, hypotension, and so on.