

The disease of the sebaceous glands, characterized by obstruction and inflammation of hair follicles, called acne (acne), or acne. The variety of causes and clinical manifestations of acne, its frequent occurrence in different ages, cosmetic problems caused by this disease do relevant for many medical professionals. The main elements for acne are pustular and papular acne, blackheads, nodules and cystic cavities. The effective treatment of acne plays a great role and individual an integrated approach

The disease of the sebaceous glands, characterized by obstruction and inflammation of hair follicles, called acne (acne), or acne. The variety of causes and clinical manifestations of acne, its frequent occurrence in different ages, cosmetic problems caused by this disease do relevant for many medical professionals.

The term "acne" reflects a causal relationship of cutaneous manifestations of the general state of the organism. In the occurrence of acne infection play an important role, in violation of the genetic, endocrine and immune system, digestive and nervous and mental disorders.

Acne occurs at any age, from infancy to old age period. Previously considered a purely teenage acne problem, but in recent decades, cases of acne patients aged 25-35. The most common form of acne is acne vulgaris, observed in patients 12-24 years, almost 90% of cases. Acne brings a lot of worries about their looks for people of any age and gender.

Signs, symptoms of acne

Eruptive elements in acne presents closed and open comedones, papular and pustular acne, nodular and cystic formations.

Closed comedones are noninflammatory white nodules having no exit to the skin surface. Further accumulation in the pores of the sebaceous gland secretions, epithelial cells, pigment dust leads to the formation of open comedones, black having protruding above the skin surface of the tip. Typical localization of comedones - the skin of the forehead and chin.

Continued adherence to the existing blockage of the hair follicle inflammation leads to the development of papules, pustular acne, and in severe forms - cystic cavities, phlegmonous and necrotic acne elements.

Papular acne (lat «papula» -. Nodule acne) - elevation, dense mound of skin the size of a pea to a reddish-bluish color. Multiple papules give uneven skin appearance. The papules may be subjected to reverse development or further transition into pustules.

Pustular acne (Latin for "pustula." - Abscess) - painful bubble with purulent contents softer than a papule, consistency. Small, up to 5 mm in diameter, blisters usually heal completely after large pustules often left scar defects.

Further development of the inflammatory components of acne can lead to the appearance of nodes and cystic cavities. Units are large infiltrates (diameter greater than 5 mm), located in the dermis and subcutaneous fat. In the reverse development nodes break, ulcerate and heal the scar. Cysts - This cavernous education, pus-filled, purple-bluish color. Wound cysts also occurs with the formation of scar.

Acne Development Mechanism

Excessive increase in the secretion of the sebaceous glands. Hypersecretion of sebum tends to reduce bactericidal properties and its consistency changes. Sebum becomes dense, forming plugs in the ducts and blocking them. Frequently observed in a period of rapid puberty in adolescents and in the last week of the menstrual cycle in women.

Follicular hyperkeratosis. At the heart of the development of follicular hyperkeratosis is a violation of the normal process of constant renewal of the hair follicle cells. Thickening of the horny layer of the surface of the hair follicles along with sebaceous plugs creates an additional obstacle to the outflow of sebum.

Reproduction acne propionic bacteria (Propionibacterium acnes). Microorganisms that live in large numbers in the skin of healthy people, under certain conditions, can cause the development of acute inflammatory reactions. Tallow-horny plugs hair follicles are a favorable environment for their reproduction and enhanced active life. The leading role in the appearance of acne propionic bacteria belong to acne.

Inflammation. Active proliferation of propionic bacteria acne leads to tissue response and the development of inflammation in them.