Videos about "Antidepressant Discontinuation Syndrome"...and much, much more..

What do you know about the thyroid gland?

We welcome those who have opened this page. In this article, we want you to form an active, rational and responsible attitude towards their health and motivation for improvement. We ask you to answer a few questions dealing with the thyroid gland.

Please read the following statements and answer "true" add 1 point, "not true" - 2 points, "do not know" - 3 points.

1. Thyroid gland - a small organ located on the front of the neck in the lower part?

2. The thyroid gland produces hormones that are secreted into the bloodstream and affect all cells and tissues in the body?

3. Thyroid disorders affect people from childhood, or to be more precise, in the womb and throughout life?

4. Increased fatigue, weakness, weight gain, swelling of the face, dry skin, brittle nails and hair, constipation, memory loss - these symptoms can be symptoms of thyroid cancer?

5. Heart palpitations and disruption of the heart, weight loss, feeling of fever and severe sweating, increased emotional lability - these symptoms can be symptoms of thyroid cancer?

6. Pathology of the thyroid gland can lead to heart disease?

7. Pathology of the thyroid gland can cause menstrual disorder and infertility?

8. For normal operation of the thyroid gland is important to use enough iodine from food?

9. compensation of iodine in the body need to use iodized salt?

10. The need for iodine in different periods of life different?

11. Some thyroid diseases are hereditary?

12. The term "crop" refers only to the increase in volume of the thyroid gland?

13. thyroid nodules may occur?

14. To determine the structure of the thyroid gland is necessary to thyroid ultrasonography?

15. To clarify the function of the thyroid gland is necessary to investigate the level of thyroid hormones in the blood serum?

16. nodular and multinodular goiter, thyroid function can be normal?

When you dial from 0 to 20 points - you are well aware of the role of the thyroid gland in our body, from 20 and up - you need to carefully read the information below.

The thyroid gland and its role in the body

Thyroid - is a small organ located in the front of the neck at the bottom thereof, weighing 15-20 grams. Named so because the iron that is in front of the thyroid cartilage of the larynx. It has two lobes connected by an isthmus.

The thyroid gland produces thyroid hormones - thyroxine, synthroid and triiodothyronine, which are highlighted in the blood, affecting all the cells and tissues of the body, regulate the speed of a variety of metabolic processes. These hormones are responsible for many vital functions: It regulates the activity of the brain mozk, nervous and cardiovascular system, gastrointestinal tract, affects the reproductive function of dairy work and the sex glands and much more.

Thyroid enlargement for determining thyroid ultrasound volume is used, in normal prostate volume shall not exceed 18 ml for women and men 25 ml. Increased volume in the thyroid gland, or "goiter" can be a symptom of various diseases of the thyroid gland, and accompanied by a decrease and an increase in function. More common euthyroid goitre - enlarged glands without compromising its functionality.

I'm emphasising the term "antidepressant discontinuation syndrome" because it represents part of the attempt by the large pharmaceutical companies to downplay what the problems really are, by RE-LABELLING THE TERM " WITHDRAWAL SYMPTOMS".

But the problem goes far, far deeper than that... it's about big money, FDA and State Cover-ups, under the table deals, outright bribery and corruption, harrassment of "natural" or "alternative" medicine practitioners, and for the conspiracy theorists, the evidence of a GLOBAL effort (Codex Alimentarius) to control our democratic rights to obtain vitamin and mineral supplementation.

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