
Amoebiasis - Symptoms and Treatment. Intestinal amebiasis in children

Amoebiasis - an infectious disease that is caused by parasitic single-celled microorganisms, ie amoeba. The disease is characterized by lesions of the colon with advice the formation of its mucosa ulcers.

The symptoms of amebiasis

The symptoms of amebiasis expressed moderately, and body temperature may be normal or subfebrialnoy. In this disease develops diarrhea, which is interspersed character, resulting in bowel movements become reddish-brown in color and with mucus and blood. A frequency of urges to defecate can range from 2 to 15 times per day. Just after 2-5 days in the stool may appear transparent admixture of mucus and blood. A characteristic feature of amebiasis is diarrhea, which is completely painted with blood. When the disease occur pain in the abdomen, which can be amplified.

Diagnosis of amebiasis

In the diagnosis of amebiasis focuses on the character of the chair and on epidemiological data. Assign study patient excreta, and if you already have complications, it is carried out sputum analysis, scrapings from the mucous membranes, as well as biopsies of affected areas, as well as conduct a swab. In some cases, appoint an endoscopy, which is carried out at the impossibility of getting bowel movements for some reason. And with the help of this method berutbioptaty with the intestinal wall, resulting in the study assessed the state of the intestine wall and it appeared sores, which are caused by the amoeba. In tissue cultures of biopsies from the study show the vegetative form of the disease with the red blood cells inside, and call it gemofag that partially explains the occurrence of anemia.

Amoebiasis Treatment

Amebiasis Treatment should be directed only at relief of clinical manifestations of the disease, the return loss of fluid, electrolytes, and blood, as well as the destruction of all invasive pathogens. Moreover amoeba can be localized in the intestinal wall in the lumen of the intestine or bowel is. Unfortunately most amebitsidnyh drugs do not give effect to all the places of localization of amoebas or in their individual application. That is why, to cure the patient need to use a specific combination of drugs. And preparations are available regarding their site of action, fall into two categories. For example, luminal amebitsidy - is oral drugs that act in direct contact with trophozoites, which live in the intestinal lumen, but they are not effective against amoebae located in tissues.

And the most effective and well-tolerated drug that is released from a large number of drugs available on today is diloxanide furoate, but you can buy it in the US alone and only to combat diseases such centers. It should be noted that the positive effect of the application of the preparation is 80-85% of cases. And his only significant side effect is flatulence.

Intestinal amoebiasis

The causative agent of intestinal amebiasis is the amoeba. A life cycle of this unicellular consists of two stages, it is the vegetative stage and a resting stage, ie cysts. These two steps are replaced by each other depending only its environmental conditions. For example, distinguish two main amoeba living environment, it luminal and tissue environment. And the main role in the infection of humans as well as in the spread of amoebiasis belongs only amoeba cysts. In many cases there is as amoebiasis mixed infection that is displayed together with other infectious intestinal diseases.

The source of the infection is tsistonositel or patients with chronic form of the period of remission. People with a severe form of the disease, or patients with chronic amebiasis the period of relapse release into the environment of unstable vegetative form of the pathogen, which do not represent an epidemiological risk. A mechanism of infection by intestinal amebiasis - is getting feces in his mouth. The main routes of transmission of amoebiasis - it is water, food and contact. The highest degree of infection by intestinal amebiasis were recorded in the areas of subtropical and tropical climates.

Amebiasis in children

The causative agents of the disease belong to the family of intestinal bacteria that are particularly active breed in very hot environments, which is why the peak of disease occurs in the summer months. A source and custodian of this infection is only a person is a carrier of or sick. Moreover dysentery infection can occur in some cases through a variety of objects or food products.

Quite often exposed to infection with children who do not observe the rules of personal hygiene. After that, amoebiasis begins with a sharp rise in temperature and keeps it up to five days. The characteristic symptoms of amebiasis in children are a painful urge to defecate, and watery stools mixed with blood, green, mucus.

And in children with exudative diathesis manifestations of this disease more worn, as well as the recovery process is a little slower. For the treatment the doctor prescribes a child glucose-saline solution. Giving the solution baby needs a little bit and for that it is necessary to drink from a spoon. In addition, the doctor prescribes antibiotics. Another child needs a special diet, it is delicate cereals, baked apples and steam cutlets.