Heart failure

Heart failure

Heart failure - a violation of cardiac function when it is not able to provide a full blood flow in organs and tissues. The body's cells do not get enough nutrients, experience oxygen starvation. Chronic heart capoten online sale failure is a result of almost all diseases of the heart.

Causes of chronic heart failure

The most common causes of heart failure - atherosclerosis, hypertension, symptomatic hypertension. Due to the narrowing of the vessels increases blood pressure inside the heart becomes more and more difficult to push through it. Up to a point this violation is compensated by the increase of power and heart rate, but eventually the heart ceases to cope with the increased loads.

Heart failure can be caused by disturbance of the heart function in myocarditis, myocardial dystrophy, heart valve defects, severe infections, poisoning, autoimmune diseases. Many diseases are accompanied by increased pulmonary arterial pressure in pulmonary vessels. As a result, increasing the load on the heart, and it is also able to lead to heart failure. If the kidney function in the body of excess fluid is delayed, it increases the amount of blood and increasing loads on the heart muscle.

Most heart failure develops after myocardial infarction.

Symptoms of heart failure

In the initial stages of heart failure symptoms occur only during exercise. Dyspnea - breathing becomes too frequent and deep, does not correspond to the severity of the work or exercise. If the pressure in the vessels of the lungs, the patient worried about coughing, sometimes with blood.

After strenuous exercise, eating large meals and lying down there palpitation. The patient complained of fatigue, weakness.

Over time, these symptoms are worse, start to disturb not only during physical work, but also at rest.

Many patients with heart failure, reducing the amount of urine, they go to the bathroom at night advantageously. In the evening there swelling on the feet, at first only on the feet, and eventually "rise" above. The skin of feet, hands, earlobes and the tip of the nose becomes cyanotic hue. If heart failure is accompanied by stagnation of the blood vessels in the liver, there is a feeling of heaviness and pain under the right rib.

Eventually, heart failure leads to circulatory problems in the brain. The patient becomes irritable, gets tired quickly during mental stress, often depressed. He does not sleep at night and day constantly drowsy.

Development of heart failure

Dates of the onset overt cardiac failure individualized for each patient and cardiovascular disease. Depending on which suffers the ventricle as a result of disease, distinguish right and left ventricular heart failure.

In cases of right ventricular heart failure, excess volume of fluid retained in the vessels of the systemic circulation, thus causing swelling, at first - in the feet and ankles. In addition to these basic features for right heart failure is characterized by fatigue, due to low blood oxygen saturation as well as the feeling of fullness and pulsation in the neck.

Left ventricular heart failure is characterized by fluid retention in the pulmonary circulation, so that the amount of oxygen entering the blood is reduced. As a result, there are shortness of breath aggravated by exertion, and weakness and fatigue. The sequence of occurrence and severity of heart failure symptoms are individual for each patient. In cases involving the right ventricle lesion, heart failure symptoms appear faster than in cases of left ventricular failure. This is due to the fact that the left ventricle of the heart is the most powerful department. It usually takes a lot of time before the left ventricle "surrender" their position. But if it does occur, the heart failure develops with catastrophic speed.

Complaints of patients with heart failure

Edema is one of the first manifestations of right heart failure. Initially, patients concerned about slight swelling, usually affecting the feet and lower legs. Swelling uniformly affect both feet. Swelling occur in the late afternoon and go in the morning. With the development of edema disease are thick and full in the morning is no longer held. Patients report that they have regular shoes do not fit, they often feel comfortable only in house slippers. Redistributions of edema in the direction of the head increases in diameter hip and thigh.

The liquid is then stored in the abdomen (ascites). With the development of hydrops patient usually sits as in a prone position marked a sharp shortage of air. Develops hepatomegaly - enlarged liver in size due to overflow its venous network of the liquid part of blood. Patients with liver increased in size often noted discomfort (discomfort, heaviness) and pain in the right upper quadrant. When blood accumulates hepatomegaly pigment bilirubin, which can stain sclera ( "proteins" eyes) to yellowish color. Sometimes such yellowness frightens the patient, as the reason for seeking medical attention.

Fatigue is a sign, characteristic for both right- and for left ventricular failure. Initially, patients note a lack of strength in the performance of the previously well-tolerated exercise. Over time, the duration of periods of physical activity decreases, and pauses for rest - increases.

Shortness of breath is the primary and often the first symptom of a chronic left ventricular failure. During dyspnea patients breathe more often than usual, as if trying to fill their lungs with the maximum volume of oxygen. Initially, patients notice shortness of breath only when performing intense exercise (running, fast, climbing stairs, etc.). Then, as the progression of heart failure patients can celebrate breathlessness in normal conversation, and sometimes - and in a state of complete rest. Paradoxical as it sounds, the patients themselves are not always aware of the presence of dyspnea at - its notice people around them.

Paroxysmal cough that occurs predominantly after the heavy load, the patients are often perceived as a manifestation of chronic lung disease, such as bronchitis. Therefore, the physician survey, patients, especially smokers, do not always complain of cough, considering that it is not related to heart disease. Rapid heartbeat (sinus tachycardia) is perceived by patients as a feeling of "fluttering" in the chest that occurs when a motor activity, and disappears after a certain time for its completion. Often, patients become accustomed to rapid heartbeat, without fixing his attention on him.