
Causes of menopause

Somewhere in the 35 years of a woman's ovaries begin to change the number of produced estrogen, a hormone necessary for menstruation and pregnancy premarin vaginal cream reviews. With age, estrogen is getting smaller. Up until menstruation stops and a woman loses her reproductive function. Changes in the level of estrogen in women affecting many organs, including the heart, bone, urinary tract, skin and hair.

Menopause Symptoms

Hormonal disorders that occur before and after menopause, have different symptoms. Menopause Symptoms may include: irregular cycles, hot flushes, vaginal dryness, problems with the genitourinary system, mood changes, and poor sleep.

The menstrual cycle becomes irregular before the menopause. The cycle may become longer or shorter separation can be stronger or weaker than before. Spotting and can be in the middle of the cycle.

Tides - this feeling, when the heat wave starts growing in the chest and spreads to the neck, face, hands. Tides occur on average once every hour and usually last 3-4 minutes. Hot flashes are often replaced by considerable sweating and then chills; They can occur at any time, even at night during sleep (called night sweats). Three out of four women experience hot flashes during menopause, but only one out of four of these hot flashes can last more than 5 years.

Vaginal dryness can be the result of reduced estrogen levels in the body. If there is insufficient estrogen vaginal walls lose their elasticity, become thinner and produce less secret. Dry and inelastic vagina can cause discomfort during sexual intercourse.

Urinary incontinence is also developing due to low levels of estrogen in the body, which reduces the muscle tone of the urogenital tract.

The variability of mood and poor sleep can be observed both before and after menopause. Scientific studies speak in favor of a direct relationship between low hormone levels and depression, irritability, fatigue, sleep problems, etc., the symptoms that are commonly experienced by women during menopause.

When the amount of estrogen decreases

The menopause usually traced three periods, after which the woman comes out of the childbearing age. First period - predklimakteriches-cue - usually begins around the age of 40 years, when the amount of estrogen produced in the body begins to decrease. Over the next ten years, menstruation gradually become irregular and changing nature of the discharge. One month of discharge can be quite a bit, you can simply spacers, and the next month selection can be so heavy that existing swabs will seem too inefficient.

Gradually, the estrogen level drops so that menstruation ceases. There comes the actual menopause - a term derived from the Greek word "monthly" and "stop" - a period of 12 months after the last menstrual period. Typically menopause occurs around the age of 52 years, depending on the heredity. As a rule, the daughters of menopause occurs at the same age as their mothers and grandmothers.

After 12 full months after the cessation of menstruation begins the third and final period - postmenopause. Since the majority of women in our time live up to 78 years or so, this period accounts for approximately a third of your life.

What to do when vaginal atrophy?

It is important to bear in mind that atrophy - is an irreversible process, so if the above symptoms should immediately consult a gynecologist. The doctor will check to rule out other diagnoses, symptoms of which may also be similar to the symptoms. Diagnostic confirmation of vaginal atrophy requires compliance with the following rules:

it is not necessary to give up sex, because it is a natural way to maintain vaginal health;

during sexual intercourse it is recommended to use the funds for vaginal moisture (they have a lasting effect and a natural acidity level, which further protects against bacterial vaginosis and fungal origin);

lubricants should be used only on water-based because others only provoke additional irritation.