Tricyclic Antidepressant Medications

Why should I know about Tricyclic Antidepressant medications (TCA's) ?

You might be prescribed a Tricyclic Antidepressant by your doctor if you are suffering from a depression or anxiety disorder.

TCA's have side effects and can interact with other medications.

Their toxic dosage levels are relatively close to therapeutic dosage levels.

How do they work?

It is generally understood that TCA's act to balance our brain chemicals Norepinephrine, Dopamine and Serotonin by inhibiting the re-uptake of these neurotransmitters by the nerve cells.

Are they safe for me to use?

Have a good look here to learn more about them, (please read the whole article) and discuss the side effects with your doctor.

Here's a list of TCA's and their brand names:
Here are some common disorders they are prescribed for:

Antiobsessive-compulsive agent --Clomipramine

Antipanic agent
--Clomipramine; Desipramine; Doxepin ; Imipramine; Nortriptyline


Antiulcer agent
--Amitriptyline; Doxepin; Trimipramine

Antibulimic -- Amitriptyline ; Clomipramine; Desipramine; Imipramine

-- Clomipramine; Desipramine; Imipramine; Protriptyline

--Amitriptyline; Amoxapine ; Clomipramine; Desipramine; Doxepin; Imipramine; Nortriptyline ; Protriptyline; Trimipramine

--Amitriptyline; Imipramine Hydrochloride

Antinarcolepsy adjunct
--Imipramine; Protriptyline

--Amitriptyline; Clomipramine ; Desipramine; Doxepin; Imipramine; Nortriptyline; Trimipramine

Although nowadays the newer antidepressant drugs like SSRI's are more commonly used in the treatment of depression, the TCAs are still used as the first-line treatment for patients with severe (melancholic/endogenous) depression.

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