Cognitive Behaviour Therapy is based upon NLP

Depression and other mental disorders

The relationship between depression and other mental disorders

Did you know that clinical depression can be a symptom of more serious mental illness? For example, clinical depression is closely linked with mental illness as a state of anxiety. This includes post-traumatic stress disorder, a condition of compulsive neurosis, panic disorder, social phobia, generalized anxiety syndrome. All these conditions affect the lives of every citizen of the United States. Fortunately, all of these diseases can be cured by buying elavil online, and people suffering from these diseases, have the opportunity to live a full life.

What is anxiety?

Status anxiety is a natural reaction to stress. However, the feeling of anxiety can affect a person and as a single disease. In this case, the disease becomes unhealthy, the general condition that affects both mind and body. The most common symptoms are palpitations, frequent pain and muscle tension.

According to recent studies of the National Institutes of Health, 6% of men and 13% of US women suffer from anxiety syndrome. Like depression, anxiety occurs as a result of genetic inheritance, or under the influence of the environment.

What is anxiety syndrome?

Although anxiety is not always present in depressive disorders, it may go unnoticed under the common symptoms of depression. Unlike depression, in which the main symptom is a depressed mood, the syndrome of anxiety - the main symptom is a feeling of anxiety. Anxiety is one of the first symptoms that occur in this disease, although the feeling of depression is also present.

What is the state of obsessive-compulsive disorder?

Status obsessive-compulsive disorder is characterized by prolonged, unwanted and sudden thoughts that a person can not control. These thoughts are often accompanied by a sense of fear comprehensive.

Status obsessional neurosis entails often repetitive, ritualistic behavior, which, in most cases, is meaningless. But, despite this, the patient is not able to change anything or stop. This condition is very common along with general anxiety syndrome. Obsessive thoughts and acts of violence, mainly focused around real life problems of the patient, but sometimes may have anomalous origin.

What is panic disorder?

Panic disorder is another type of general anxiety syndrome that often coexists with depression. Every year this disease affects about 2.5 million Americans, mostly young people. Panic disorder is characterized by the sudden outbreak of a comprehensive fear and terror. At the same time people are also suffering:

Chest pain

Choking (food or water)



Gastrointestinal Disorders


shortness of breath

Sweaty hands

Tachycardia (usually palpitations)


The person feels as if he were going to faint, have a heart attack and die or go mad. If a person is present at least four from the following list of symptoms of the disease, then we can diagnose panic disorder:

Chest pain

Frequent choking


Increased sweating


Fear of death

Feelings of loss of control over the situation

The feeling of unreality or detachment from the world A sudden rush of blood or chills





These symptoms are often accompanied by fear of new attacks and their consequences - such as the fear of dying from a heart attack, and subsequent avoidance of places associated with the attacks.

So what is NLP ?

NLP is the acronym for "Neuro Linguistic Programming".

The "Neuro" refers to the neurological process of seeing, feeling, hearing tasting, smelling - the 5 senses we use for experiencing the outside world, as interpreted by our brains.

refers to the part that language and vocabulary plays in organising our thoughts and communications with others.

refers to how we can program our thoughts and communications with others(1).

When we study Neuro Linguistic Programming methods, we learn to understand is how we FILTER our experiences through our 5 senses, both intentionally and unintentionally, to achieve what we desire.

References: (1) NLP- The New Art and Science of Getting What You Want. Dr Harry Alder.(Piatkus, 1994)

Its about how we "perceive" things.

The words and language our brains are exposed to, form our beliefs.

Our beliefs affect our perceptions.

Our perception
of anything is our reality of that experience.

The History Of Neuro Linguistic Programming

In the early 1970's , NLP founders, John Grinder (a linguist) and Richard Bandler (a mathematician,psychotherapist and computer expert), collaborated to analyse the methods of 3 leading psychotherapists who had been able to bring about remarkable and substantial changes in human behaviours.

The 3 therapists whose methods they studied were:

Dr Milton H. Erickson
(described as one of the leading hypnotherapists of all time),

Virginia Satir
(an outstanding family therapist who was able to bring resolution to the most challenging relationship problems) and

Gregory Bateson
(a British anthropologist).

The Neuro Linguistic Programming methods formulated from Grinder and Bandlers' studies have had far reaching impact in all areas of human life - from business and sales success to sports psychology (all olympic teams will now use these methods in their mental preparations).

Many of the best elite individual athletes and sportspeople now make use of neuro linguistic programming modelling to keep ahead of, or catch their competition.

In the realm of Psychotherapy, the practical success of the application of their Grinder and Bandlers' methods challenged the more traditional method of psychotherapy - psychoanalysis.

Currently it seems that Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT) is the most favoured form of psychotherapy, and CBT structures itself on Neuro Linguistic Programming.

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