The thyroid gland can be responsible for many mental health misdiagnoses

What is asthma?

Bronchial asthma - a chronic inflammatory disease of the respiratory tract, manifested by attacks of breathlessness, which often are accompanied by a cough, and can develop into asthma. This is due to the fact that the airway excessively respond to different stimuli. In response to the irritation they constrict and produce large amounts of mucus that disrupts the normal flow of air during breathing.

Asthma occurs in people of all ages, but most often it manifests itself in children - half of them then "outgrow" their illness. Now more than 300 million. People in the world suffer from this disease and their number is constantly increasing.

Due to the high prevalence of asthma and its ability to reduce work capacity and cause disability, there are many global and national fight against this disease programs. For example, in the UK about a billion pounds allocated for such a program sterling a year. At the initiative of the World Health Organization (WHO) conducted by the World Day against asthma each year on 4 May.

Chronic inflammation, which occurs in patients with bronchial asthma makes the airways sensitive to allergens, chemical irritants, tobacco smoke, etc. When their effects occur edema and bronchospasm, at this moment bronchial mucus is produced in large quantities. This hampers the normal passage of air through the airways during breathing.

Depending on the cause of asthma attack isolated with a predominance of allergic asthma and non-allergic asthma component.

An indication that asthma is allergic in nature, is that obstreniya occur on contact with certain allergens (pollen, fur, house dust, certain foods), are seasonal. The attack of allergic asthma in humans is often accompanied by a runny nose, symptoms of vegetative dystonia, urticaria.

In non-allergic asthma chronically inflamed airways are overly sensitive. Any irritation causes bronchospasm, and air flow over them is limited, which leads to bouts of coughing and choking.

There are many causes of asthma attacks. . For example, the sharp smell - cigarette smoke, household chemicals, soaps, perfumes, exhaust fumes and other researchers around the world have come to the disappointing conclusion that one in five asthmatic disease owes his profession.

Symptoms of asthma can also occur within a few minutes after exercise - it may be, for example, exercise, associated with the inhalation of cold, dry air - such as running outdoors in winter. In such cases we say about asthma physical effort.

The attack that occurs when taking aspirin or other anti-inflammatory drugs shows the so-called aspirin asthma.

The cause of asthma caused by nutritional supplements may be, for example, reception of sulfites (preservatives beer, wine).

If the attack develops as by contact with an allergen, and when exposed to other factors, called mixed asthma. That is, this is the most common form, especially in the later stages of the disease.

In cases where asthma is no clear reasons, it is called unspecified.

The thyroid gland lies just under the skin below the adam's apple(larynx).

The two halves (lobes) of the gland are connected in the middle by the isthmus - giving it the appearance of a bow tie.

The thyroid is part of the endocrine system (ductless glands which secrete hormones directly into the blood stream).

The thyroid hormones
(T4 and T3) act as chemical messengers and control the speed at which all the cells of our body "metabolise"
- in other words - they are responsible for the "chemical work rate" of the cells.

(Thyroxine) and T3(Tri-iodothyronine) affect body temperature and circulation, appetite, energy levels, growth, skeletal development, muscle tone and agility, cardiac rate (force and output), fluid balance, blood sugar levels, central nervous system function, bowel function, blood fat (cholesterol) levels, and the regulation of fat, carbohydrate and protein metabolism in all cells.

If the thyroid is OVERACTIVE (too much T4 and T3 in the blood) or SLUGGISH (too little T4 and T3 in the blood), then our metabolism is affected - and then this leads to a manifestation of a variety of symptoms which can be easily misdiagnosed.

In particular, these can be the symptoms of DEPRESSION, ANXIETY and PANIC ATTACKS.

Hypothyroidism is when the thyroid gland is UNDERACTIVE.

Symptoms of Hypothyroidism

Hyperthyroidism is when the thyroid gland is OVERACTIVE.

Symptoms of Hyperthyroidism (Thyrotoxicosis):

Additional(less common) symptoms:

If you are in any doubt.... have a thyroid function test.

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